Cathrien Nelly Hoorns

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Jan Johannes Hoorns
Moeder: Trijntje Otter
Geboren: 30 Aug 1911 Haarlem
Overleden: 29 OKT 2003 Schagen
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Hoorns
First Name: Catharina Nelly
Maiden Name: Otter
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Haarlem, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Haarlem, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/707)
Henriette van Geldere (later Ebel) was a young Jewish woman who was dismissed from her office job when the German decree to fire all Jews was enforced. She found a job with a family and then managed to escape deportation on August 20, 1942, by taking a position as a nurse at a hospital in Haarlem. Towards the end of 1942, Henriette turned to Catharina Hoorns-Otter, who lived in Haarlem and whom she had known before the war. Catharina already had a German Jewish couple staying with her, and occasionally their infant, and additional people came to hide for longer and shorter periods. Catharina treated all the fugitives wonderfully well, offering them not only a hiding place but finding them all kinds of things to do such as arts and crafts to keep them occupied. She sold the products and the money was used by the Jews to pay for their living expenses. Catharina was a widow who was away at work most of the day while those in hiding did the housework. In the evenings they came down to the living room to read, knit, or play games. Catharina was a brave, optimistic woman who never spoke of her fear of being caught. She trusted in God and she and the members of her family tried to encourage their guests and not let them become too depressed. However, a year and a half after Henriette arrived, the place became too dangerous and all the Jews had to leave. A day after they left, the Gestapo searched the house.
On September 7, 1971, Yad Vashem recognized Catharina Hoorns-Otter as Righteous Among the Nations.

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Huwelijkspartner: Arend Johan Cornelis Vlaskamp geb. 16 Jan 1904 overl. 14 Feb 1989
Huwelijk: 23 Juli 1938 Wolvega