Hugo Hoogvliet

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Fredrik Hoogvliet
Moeder: Jaapje Noordermeer
Geboren: 12 MRT 1881 Rockanje
Overleden: 14 Nov 1974 Rockanje
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Hoogvliet
First Name: Hugo
Date of Birth: 12/03/1881
Date of death: 14/11/1979
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Male
Profession: GROWER
Organization/ Religious order: LO - Landelijke Organisatie
Place during the war: Rockanje, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Rockanje, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/6633)
Maurits Isedoor Berendsen first hid together with his mother in Doetinchem, Gelderland, but then, in September 1943, he was moved by the LO to the Hoogvliets in Rockanje, South Holland by himself. Hugo and Aaltje Hoogvliet were poor vegetable growers raising their seven children in a very small house, but despite their circumstances they welcomed Maurits and treated him like one of their own. They told the neighbors he was an orphan from Rotterdam whose parents had been killed in the bombing. The LO contributed a small amount to cover his expenses. Maurits’s mother fell ill while she was hiding with the van der Hoeks* and had to be hospitalized. She died in June 1944 and Maurits remained with Hugo and Aaltje until the end of the year. He then had to be moved because their son, Freek, was a local LO activist and also because their neighbors were NSB members who found out that Maurits was Jewish. Maurits was moved to another family, Arie and Japy Bekker*-van Herk*, also vegetable growers living in Rockanje.
On June 29, 1995, Yad Vashem recognized Hugo Hoogvliet and his wife, Aaltje Hoogvliet-‘t Mannetje, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Aaltje 't Mannetje geb. 21 Sept 1888 overl. 19 Nov 1966
Huwelijk: 24 MEI 1911 Rockanje
  Theodor Ludwig Anton Hoogvliet Male overl. 21 Dec 1918