Pieter Paulus Joseph van Hombergh

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Hendrikus Alphonsus van Hombergh
Moeder: Regina Johanna Barbara Lommers
Geboren: 16 Feb 1880 Tilburg
Overleden: 8 Nov 1954 Udenhout
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Hombergh van
First Name: Petrus Paulus Joseph
Alias: Pieter
Date of Birth: 16/02/1880
Date of death: 08/11/1954
Rescuer's fate: murdered camp inmate
Gender: Male
Place during the war: Tilburg, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Tilburg, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2922)
During the war, Petrus (Pieter) van Hombergh hid Frans Busnac in his home in Tilburg, North-Braband. Frans came from a large Jewish family and was being hunted by a well-known Dutch antisemite and officer in the SD from Tilburg by the name of Gerrits. Gerrits tracked Frans down and he and Pieter were arrested and deported to the death camps, where they perished. Frans’s nephew, Barend Busnac, was an active member of the Resistance,and was caught and executed after assaulting Gerrits.
On June 28, 1984, Yad Vashem recognized Petrus Paulus Joseph van Hombergh as Righteous Among the Nations.

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Huwelijkspartner: Maria Anna Barbara van Bokhoven geb. 1884
Huwelijk: 18 Nov 1908 Tilburg