Grietje Otter

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Harmen Jans Otter
Moeder: Grietje Teyes Kooistra
Geboren: 30 MRT 1908 AEngwirden
Overleden: 20 OKT 1990 Enschede
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Hofstra
First Name: Grietje
Maiden Name: Otter
Date of Birth: 30/03/1908
Date of death: 20/10/1990
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Enschede, Overijssel, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Enschede, Overijssel, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2598)
Josef Jaffe, who was born in Germany and moved to Holland in 1939, was a member of the Agudat Israel Hachshara in Enschede, Overijssel. For five months, from October 1942, he and four boys and a girl, hid in a bunker they had dug 20 kilometers from Enschede. Later, in July 1943, after staying at various places, Josef asked Jacobus Hofstra, a painter whom he had worked with, to hide him. Jacobus, who lived in Enschede with his wife, Grietje, and five-year-old daughter owned a shed that he used as a workshop, beneath which was a cellar where Josef hid. Jacobus went down to the cellar daily to bring Josef food prepared by Grietje and to listen to their illegal radio. When winter came the cellar flooded and despite all his efforts, Jacobus could not pump the water out. He suggested that Josef move into the house and gave him the small room where Grietje stored wallpaper for her business. Jacobus constructed a double wall and a hidden entrance with a bell connected to Grietje's shop with which to warn Josef in times of danger. The Hofstras' later took in another Jew, Herman Legerman, and he and Josef stayed in this little room until the liberation.
On May 26, 1983, Yad Vashem recognized Jacobus Hofstra and his wife, Grietje Hofstra-Otter, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Jacobus Hofstra geb. 30 Jan 1910 overl. 2004