Janna Christina Zieck

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Christiaan Anthony Zieck
Moeder: Janna Catoen
Geboren: 2 Feb 1903 Voorburg
Overleden: 1964 Voorburg
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Hilgersom
First Name: Janna
Maiden Name: Surname unknown
Rescuer's fate: survived imprisoned
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Voorburg, Zuidholland, The Netherlands ; Scheveningen, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Voorburg, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/6634)
Shortly after the persecution of the Jews began in the summer of 1942, Hendricus (Henk) Hilgersom and his wife, Janna, joined a group that formed spontaneously in their hometown of Voorburg, South Holland, to resist the German occupation and help Jews and non-Jews. Henk and Janna had three children and they decided to hide Jews. Henk was an active member of the General Union of Netherlands Building Workers (Algemene Nederlandse Bouwarbeidersbond). Henk's house and the Union offices were on the same property, but after the Union's board fell under the control of Nazi sympathizers, the Hilgersoms moved to another address with their "onderduikers," Andre Cune and his wife. Just as at the previous place, many Jews found refuge in the Hilgersoms' new home, including Abraham and Lennie Opdenberg. The SD became aware of the group's activities and addresses. The Cunes were warned in May 1944 and managed to escape. The Germans raided the Moleveld's house, which showed that they knew too much. Janna and her daughter Jannie went on their bicycles to raise the alarm but were arrested on their way and sent to the notorious Oranjehotel prison at Scheveningen. Henk was now a target and the Voorburg police made it known that should he turn himself in, his wife and daughter would be released. Henk did so and Janna and Jannie were indeed set free. He himself was sent to Scheveningen, then to Vught, and later to Oranienburg, Sachsenhausen, where he died on February 11, 1945.
On June 29, 1995, Yad Vashem recognized Hendricus Hilgersom and his wife, Janna Hilgersom, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Hendrikus Johannes Hilgersom geb. 13 Feb 1901 overl. 11 Feb 1945
Huwelijk: 9 Sept 1921 Voorburg