Johannes Hildersom

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Barend Hildersom
Moeder: Alida Rotgans
Geboren: 13 Juli 1896 Amsterdam
Overleden: 3 Apr 1974 Amsterdam
Beroep: agent in binnen- en buitenlandsche huizen, dir. kleedingmagazijn
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Hildersom
First Name: Johannes
Date of Birth: 13/07/1896
Date of death: 03/04/1974
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Male
Profession: MERCHANT
Place during the war: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Arranging shelter Supplying basic goods
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/416)
Hugo and Carla Levina Elsbach knew Johannes Hildersom, a merchant in Amsterdam, through mutual acquaintances. During the German occupation of Holland, Johannes spent most of his time involved in Resistance activities, in particular finding hiding places for Jews and supplying them with food. With his assistance, the Elsbachs and another family, the Asschers, found more than one hiding place. Johannes also helped dozens of Jewish adults and children, among them the physician Isaac Dasberg and Jocob Soetendorp, later the rabbi of the Liberal Dutch Jewish congregation, whose baby son Abraham was saved by Johannes. Johannes kept in contact with his fugitives from the end of 1942 until the end of the war, motivated by a sense of solidarity with the Jews. His intensive involvement in illegal activities meant that he was often in danger, and therefore he changed his name and was known as Hank Dirksen.
On November 11, 1969, Yad Vashem recognized Johannes Hildersom as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Ida Johanna Maria Hoogmei geb. 15 Aug 1899 overl. 4 Juni 1974
Huwelijk: 27 Juni 1918 Amsterdam
Scheiding: 23 Dec 1971 Amsterdam
  Johannes Petrus Gerardus Marcus Hildersom Male geb. 28 Dec 1918

Gezin 2

Huwelijkspartner: Edit Ruth Friedlander geb. 29 MRT 1915 overl. 25 Juni 1993
Huwelijk: 26 Apr 1972 Amsterdam