Paula Maria Ottilie Pütz

Geslacht: Vrouw
Geboren: 25 Feb 1909 Elberfeld, Duitsland
Overleden: 1996 Wassenaar
Beroep: beeldhouwer, schilder
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Henkemans
First Name: Paula Maria Ottilie
Maiden Name: Puetz
Date of Birth: 25/02/1909
Date of death: 07/02/1996
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: The Hague, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: The Hague, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/1584)
In 1943, the Duizends, a Jewish couple from Amsterdam, and their only son, Joseph, who had been born in 1934, decided that the time had come to go into hiding. At first, they all hid together in Santpoort, North Holland, but then the Germans arrested Joseph's father and Joseph had to be taken to another address. During the nine months that followed, Joseph changed addresses six times, until in February 1944 he was taken to the Henkemans family in The Hague, where he stayed until the liberation in May 1945. Dr. Andries Henkemans was the managing director of "Nationaal Grondbezit", a country-wide building contracting and land-development company. He and his wife, Ottilie, had two children, Yvonne and Andre Otto, who were approximately Joseph's age. Joseph's cover story was that he was a relative from another part of the country, but it is doubtful that the many friends and acquaintances who met him believed this. The Henkemanses, who were a well-known family, took a great risk by not keeping Joseph hidden away, especially given the fact that Germans occupied the house next door and might have noticed the "extra" child. During the first six months of his stay, Joseph was sent to a special school so that he could make up for the time he had lost. Then, from September 1944 on, he went to school with Yvonne and Andre. After the war, Joseph was reunited with his mother and kept in contact with his foster family for many years afterwards.
On March 25, 1979, Yad Vashem recognized Andries Henkemans and his wife, Paula Maria Ottilie Henkemans-Pütz, as Righteous Among the Nations.

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Huwelijkspartner: Andries Henkemans geb. 9 Apr 1906 overl. 29 Dec 1983
Huwelijk: 15 Juni 1931 Bad Godesberg, Duitsland