Abraham te Gussinklo

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Abraham te Gussinklo
Moeder: Maria Sia Swart
Geboren: 23 MRT 1928 Wissenkerke
Overleden: 20 OKT 2007 Doetinchem
Beroep: hoofdonderwijzer
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Gussinklo Te
First Name: Abraham
Date of Birth: 23/03/1928
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Male
Profession: TEACHER
Place during the war: Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/776)
Mr. Abraham te Gussinklo, a widower, was the headmaster of a Christian school in the city of Utrecht, where he lived with his four children. Three of his children were teachers and the fourth was still a student. In 1943, Arie Bergwerff* asked te Gussinklo to hide a Jewish couple, Mr. and Mrs. Kinsbergen, who had no money to pay towards their maintenance. He agreed. He gave the elderly couple his room and asked Mrs. Kinsbergen to cook for the family. After awhile, Judith Pam, the Kinsbergen’s granddaughter, also came to live with the te Gussinklo family. In her testimony to Yad Vashem, Judith Luurs-Pam wrote: “Within a year, the big house was full of people in hiding. The eldest daughter, Klazina (Ineke), who was 25, rode for more than 120 kilometers on a bicycle without tires to the eastern part of the country in search of food. She came back sick and exhausted but with a suitcase full of wheat and bacon, for which she had paid a great deal of money and which the family shared with all the refugees.”
On February 26, 1974, Yad Vashem recognized Mr. Abraham te Gussinklo, his sons, Taco and Abraham, and his daughters, Klazina Bernarda Cockerel-te Gussinklo and Johanna Vermey-te Gussinklo, as Righteous Among the Nations.