Gerritje Grimm

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Albartus Grimm
Moeder: Grietje van de Bijl
Geboren: 8 Sept 1927 Valburg
Overleden: 14 Apr 1990
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Veldman Grimm
First Name: Gerda
Maiden Name: Grimm
Date of Birth: 08/09/1927
Date of death: 14/04/1990
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Zetten, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Zetten, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/921)
Willem Frederick van Eck and Jacob Cohen had been good friends since childhood. In 1942, when the situation of the Jews was becoming increasingly perilous, Willem became concerned about Jacob's well-being. He contacted an acquaintance of his, Albartus Grimm, and asked him to shelter Jacob. Willem knew that Albartus, a bricklayer who lived in a remote dwelling near Zetten, Gelderland, with his wife, Grietje, and their 16-year-old daughter, Gerritje (Gerda, later Veldman), would unhesitatingly help people without accepting payment. Jacob soon moved in to the Grimms' home. The relations between Jacob and the Grimm family were excellent. Young Gerda understood the circumstances and never spoke about Jacob's presence in her house to strangers. Albartus built a wall parallel to an existing wall, with space in between and a concealed entrance. Jacob---and during the course of the war another refugee as well---slept in this hideout. Albartus was determined to ensure Jacob's safety, without ever discussing financial reimbursement with him. In order to mislead the Germans, Grimm participated in Dutch National Socialist activities and pretended to be a Nazi sympathizer. After the liberation, when the Resistance came to arrest him, they were amazed to discover that he was in fact hiding two people. After the war, Jacob offered the Grimms compensation to cover his living expenses for the period between July 1942 and September 1944. Albartus only accepted a fraction of it, saying that he did not wish to profit from saving Jacob from a terrible fate.
On December 19, 1974, Yad Vashem recognized Albartus Grimm, his wife, Grietje Grimm-van de Bijl, and their daughter, Gerritje Veldman-Grimm, as Righteous Among the Nations.

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Huwelijkspartner: Willem Jochum Veldman geb. 23 Jan 1926 overl. 4 Apr 1979
Huwelijk: 1951