Pieter de Geus

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Pieter de Geus
Moeder: Elizabeth van Nes
Geboren: 20 Feb 1904 Strijen
Overleden: 19 Aug 1979 Amsterdam
Religie: Ger. Kerk
Beroep: metselaar, inspecteur verzekeringsmaatschappij
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Geus de
First Name: Pieter
Date of Birth: 20/02/1904
Date of death: 19/08/1979
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Male
Place during the war: Bilthoven, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Bilthoven, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/1295)
In 1942, Isaäc Corper asked his neighbors to find a hiding place for his seven-year-old daughter, Eva. They in turn approached Pieter de Geus and, in July 1942, Eva was taken to Pieter’s home in Bilthoven, Utrecht. She remained hidden there until the end of the war. During her time there, her father visited twice. Pieter de Geus also hid and helped other Jewish fugitives during the course of the war.
On May 23, 1978, Yad Vashem recognized Pieter de Geus as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Janna Maria van Driel geb. 3 Dec 1904
Huwelijk: 30 Juni 1927 Maasdam
Scheiding: 26 Juni 1950

Gezin 2

Huwelijkspartner: Willemijntje de Vries geb. 1 MRT 1916
Huwelijk: 15 Dec 1951 Amsterdam