Barendina Hermina van der Geld

Geslacht: Vrouw
Geboren: 17 Jan 1923
Overleden: 13 Juni 2008
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Geld van der
First Name: Dina
Maiden Name: Heiningen van
Date of Birth: 17/01/1924
Date of death: 13/06/2008
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Profession: TEACHER
Place during the war: Hoevelaken, Gelderland, The Netherlands ; Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/621)
In 1941, 17-year-old Dina van Heiningen was living in Hoevelaken, Gelderland. Dina worked for Caecilia Loots* at her small school for children with severe learning disabilities in Amersfoort, Utrecht. In 1942, Caecilia decided to “expand” the school in order to make room to hide Jewish children. Over the course of the following year, nine Jewish children among whom the sisters Lineke and Marian Sons, Simone Paur and Betty Springer, aged four to 17, found shelter at the school. The staff and pupils lived together like a family. Dina performed most of the household chores such as keeping the house in order and taking care of the smaller children. She also did the shopping. Towards the end of 1944, this task became increasingly difficult due to the general scarcity of food. During that winter, there were no supplies left in the stores. Consequently, in her search for food for the children, Dina journeyed to the farmers in the area around Amersfoort. Over and above this, Dina and Caecilia were both involved in other Resistance activities during the war. Dina worked as a courier, running errands and distributing illegal newsletters. This job was especially perilous because the Germans had constructed the Amersfoort internment camp nearby.
On November 11, 1969, Yad Vashem recognized Dina van der Geld-van Heiningen as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: J.R. van Heiningen geb. 13 Sept 1915 overl. 9 Juli 1970