Gerrit van Engelenburg

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Gerrit van Engelenburg
Moeder: Willemijntje Prins
Geboren: 3 Feb 1910 Veenendaal
Overleden: 19 Juli 1996 Veenendaal
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Engelenburg van
First Name: Gerrit
Date of Birth: 03/02/1910
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Male
Place during the war: Veenendaal, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Veenendaal, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding Supplying basic goods
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2346)
Gerrit van Engelenburg and Gerrit van Dijk* worked in the same tobacco factory. They were both involved in the Reverend Overduin’s* Resistance group and they both agreed to hide Jewish children. In April 1943, Johan Sanders, a Jewish boy from Enschede, was brought to the van Engelenburgs’ home. His two sisters, Mathilde and Lenie, were taken to the van Dijks. Johan obtained forged papers and was able to lead a relatively normal life in Veenendaal, Utrecht, including attending school. Gerrit and Cornelia van Engelenburg were paid 80 guilders a month by the Resistance towards Johan’s upkeep. In August 1944, one of the farmers in the village became suspicious of Johan’s true identity. The Resistance heard about it and immediately transferred the child to another address. The following month, Johan was with a group of Jews near Arnhem when the place, after being temporarily held by Allied troops, was recaptured by the Germans. In the uncertainty of where to go, Johan suggested that the group try the van Engelenburgs’ home. Two of them followed this advice and found refuge with Gerrit and Cornelia until the end of the war. During the course of the war, the van Engelenburgs also helped numerous other people by providing them with food coupons. In all their activities, the van Engelenburgs endangered their own lives.
On July 26, 1982, Yad Vashem recognized Gerrit van Engelenburg and his wife, Cornelia van Engelenburg-Kleijer, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Cornelia Kleijer geb. 8 MEI 1911 overl. 3 Apr 1999
Huwelijk: 11 Dec 1937 Rhenen