Aukje Wilhelmina Siedenburg

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Anton Siedenburg
Moeder: Antje Vogelaar
Geboren: 11 MEI 1911 Amersfoort
Religie: Ned. Hervormd
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Elderenbosch
First Name: Aukje Wilhelmina
Maiden Name: Siedenburg
Date of Birth: 11/05/1911
Rescuer's fate: survived
Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Female
Place during the war: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2347)
When the war broke out, Richard and Wilhelmina Elderenbosch were living with their two young sons in Amsterdam. In August 1942, when their Jewish neighbors Lion Alexander and Rachel Content were about to be deported, the Elderenbosches offered to hide them in their home. The Contents accepted the offer and moved into a small room in the Elderenbosch home in October 1942. In February 1943, their 13-year-old son Willem also moved into this hideout after hiding at several other addresses. Later on, a lady named Mrs. D. Broekman-Veldman also joined them in the refuge. The Contents and Mrs. Broekman-Veldman's presence was well disguised and even during a search they were not discovered. All four fugitives remained hidden in the Elderenbosches' home throughout the difficult and dangerous times, right up until the liberation of Amsterdam.
On July 26, 1982, Yad Vashem recognized Richard Herman Robert Elderenbosch and his wife, Aukje Wilhelmina Elderenbosch-Siedenburg, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Richard Herman Robert Elderenbosch geb. 22 Sept 1905 overl. 23 Sept 1963
Huwelijk: 11 Apr 1935 Amsterdam