Elisa Johanna Agnes Wolfs

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Hubertus Martinus Wolfs
Moeder: Maria Geertruida Hubertina Gadet
Geboren: 12 Juli 1915 Maastricht
Overleden: 24 Apr 1991
Religie: Rooms Katholiek
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Eggen
First Name: Elisa Johanna Agnes
Maiden Name: Wolfs
Date of Birth: 12/07/1915
Date of death: 24/04/1991
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Ransdaal, Limburg, The Netherlands; Klimmen, Limburg, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Ransdaal, Limburg, The Netherlands; Klimmen, Limburg, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/1354)
Elisa and Pieter Eggen lived in the village of Klimmen-Ransdaal, Limburg. Pieter was a tailor by profession and they had no children. In the spring of 1943, they took a five-year-old Jewish girl, Fia van Bergen, into their home. Members of the underground made sure that they received food cards for the child. In public, the couple represented her as their daughter, but they lived with the constant fear of being turned in by those who knew the truth. The situation became even more dangerous when the Eggens were forced to put German soldiers up in their home. However, the child stayed with them until May 1945 and they took care of her as if she were their own, without any financial compensation.
On May 28, 1978, Yad Vashem recognized Pieter Mathias Eggen and his wife, Elisa Johanna Agnes Eggen-Wolfs, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Pieter Mathias Eggen geb. 30 MRT 1914 overl. 11 Dec 1980
Huwelijk: 9 Aug 1939 Voerendaal