Gertruda Jacoba Johanna Francisca Maria Dorenbosch

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Franciscus Renerus Johannes Dorenbosch
Moeder: Adriana Wilhelmina van Elten
Geboren: 24 Feb 1908 Den Bosch
Overleden: 15 Juli 1996 Den Bosch
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Dorenbosch
First Name: Geertruda Jacoba Johanna Francisca Maria
Alias: TRUUS
Date of Birth: 24/02/1908
Date of death: 15/07/1996
Rescuer's fate: survived
Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Female
Place during the war: Oss, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Oss, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding Supplying basic goods Providing forged documents Other
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2319)
Geertruida (Truus) Dorenbosch of Oss, North Brabant, a single woman, lived next door the van Zwanenberg family from 1938 until 1942. When the van Zwanenbergs, Jews, went into hiding with the Hensels* family in nearby Den Bosch, Truus helped out. During the van Zwanenbergs’ long period in isolation, Truus visited them twice a week and brought them information from the outside world. She also provided them with clothing, food cards, books and periodicals, false papers, and even a doctor when necessary. On October 15, 1944, the Hensels’ house was hit by bombs, and the Hensels and the six people hidden in their home all moved to Truus’s apartment for a few months. One of the Jews assisted by Truus recalled in her testimony to Yad Vashem that: “Truus wanted to help people in need without getting paid for it. She realized that it was a great risk and that she would have been executed if the Germans had caught her.”
On July 8, 1982, Yad Vashem recognized Geertruda Jacoba Johanna Francisca Maria Dorenbosch as Righteous Among the Nations.