Fokje Tijsma

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Pieter Tijsma
Moeder: Trijntje Pijnacker
Geboren: 14 Juni 1898 Birdaard, Dantumadeel
Overleden: 20 Nov 1984 Blija, Ferwerderadeel
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Breeden van
First Name: Fokje
Maiden Name: Surname unknown
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/4744)
Eight-year-old Jehuda Wertheim was protected by Bindert and Fokje van Breeden, a devout Protestant couple, from the time he narrowly escaped deportation to the camps until the end of the war. Born in Amsterdam in November 1934, Jehuda was the eldest of the three children of Jacob and Sofia Wertheim. His father, Jacob, was arrested and sent to the Mauthausen concentration camp in 1941, from where he never returned. Sofia, meanwhile, took her three children to stay with relatives and when this became too dangerous she moved them to a Jewish children's home. When, in 1942, the children's home was due to be closed down and the children taken away on a transport, one of Jehuda's uncles managed to get the Wertheim children out. Spotting them in line at the deportation truck, the uncle shouted at them to come quickly and jump into his own van, which was parked right next to the truck. Jehuda threw his two sisters in and then jumped in himself. The uncle used his underground contacts to place the three children in different hiding places. In 1943, Jehuda arrived at the van Breeden family in the village of Blija, Friesland. Bindert van Breeden, who was a carpenter, and his wife, Fokje, had three children: Riek, Tine, and Piet. Jehuda and Piet, who were the same age and in the same class at school, became very close. Jehuda was welcomed into the family and to the outside world was introduced as Jopie, a distant cousin. The van Breedens managed to create an atmosphere of security for Jehuda but the boy always remained alert. In case of house searches, Bindert and Fokje prepared a special hiding place under the living room floor. Germans soldiers visited twice, having heard rumors that there was a Jewish boy in the van Breeden house, but found nothing. The second time, Jehuda hid under the bed of one of the daughters, who was suffering from rubella. The Germans, terrified of catching the disease, left quickly.
The van Breedens also hid two policemen who had refused to cooperate with the Germans in rounding up Jews. After the war, and a stay with another family until 1947, Jehuda was placed in an orphanage. In 1952, he immigrated to Israel and lost touch with the van Breedens until 1986, when contact between them was renewed.
On October 1, 1990, Yad Vashem recognized Bindert van Breeden and his wife, Fokje van Breeden, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Bindert van Breeden geb. 3 MRT 1897 overl. 28 Jan 1984
Huwelijk: 28 Juli 1921 Dantumadeel
  Trijntje van Breeden Female geb. 1923 overl. 7 MRT 1932
  Trijntje van Breeden Female geb. 1933 overl. 10 Apr 1933