Johanna van Hinsbergen

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Jacobus Gerardus van Hinsbergen
Moeder: Johanna Wilhelmina Vink
Geboren: 24 Dec 1920 Utrecht
Overleden: 1 OKT 2013 onbekend
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Buerman
First Name: Johanna
Maiden Name: Hinsbergen van
Date of Birth: 24/12/1920
Date of death: 01/10/2013
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/840)
In May 1943, 25-year-old Anton van Dam* risked his life by traveling to Amsterdam to fetch Nisan and Rosa Cohen and their four children, Shaul, Lea, Mirjam, and Mordechai. Rosa was a sister of Femmi van Essen-Cohen of Veenendaal, who was hiding with the van Dams and her husband, Reinold, and their adopted son, Leopold Katz. Anton planned to take the Cohens temporarily to his own house until he managed to arrange a safe hideout for each one of them. He soon arranged for seven-month-old Mordechai to be taken to the Buerman family in the city of Utrecht, where he remained for two years. While he was hidden there, Levin and Ans Buerman called the baby Fransje and took care of him as if he were their own. During this period, Anton visited the Buermans on several occasions and reported on Mordechai’s progress to Rosa and Nisan, who remained hidden in his home. After the war, the Buermans returned Mordechai safely to his parents. Their friendship with Mordechai never waned.
On September 10, 1974, Yad Vashem recognized Levin Buerman and his wife, Ans Buerman-van Hinsbergen, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Levinus Abraham Buerman geb. 7 Dec 1916 overl. 26 Jan 2006
Huwelijk: 1943