François Jean Marie Constant Op de Coul

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Franciscus Joannes Antonius Op de Coul
Moeder: Marie Louise Josephine Hubertine Rademakers
Geboren: 30 Jan 1899 Venlo
Overleden: 13 MEI 1975 onbekend
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Coul Op de
First Name: Francois Jean Marie Constant
Date of Birth: 30/01/1899
Date of death: 13/05/1975
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Male
Place during the war: Roosendaal en Nispen, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Roosendaal en Nispen, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding Arranging shelter
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/830)
Henriette Cahen-Elion was expecting a baby when she received orders for her deportation to Westerbork in June 1943. Pretending to have a concussion, she was admitted to the hospital. Her husband, Max, was taken to the Vught concentration camp to work in the Philips group, which had been operating there since February 1943. While she was in the hospital, Henri Holla* brought false identity papers for Henriette in the name Henriette Eliens. Until a permanent hiding place could be found for her, Henri asked his sister and brother-in-law, Maria and François Op de Coul, to take her into their home in Roosendaal. Henriette stayed with the Op de Couls for six weeks, from June 1943 until August 1943. Maria Op de Coul then traveled with Henriette by taxi and train to an institution for unmarried mothers called Moederheil, in Breda. She told the senior nurse, Miss Fides, that Henriette was Jewish and that the director of the institution, Reverend Scheermakers*, had invited her to stay there until the liberation.
On September 2, 1973, Yad Vashem recognized François Jean Marie Constant op de Coul and his wife, Maria Francisca Henriëtte op de Coul-Holla, as Righteous Among the Nations.

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Huwelijkspartner: Maria Francisca Henriette Holla geb. 17 Sept 1903 overl. 11 Dec 1989
Huwelijk: 19 Aug 1931 Tilburg