Adriana Bardina Hulsink

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Johannes Bernardus Hulsink
Moeder: Adriana Catharina Peeterman
Geboren: 9 Dec 1902 Utrecht
Overleden: 12 Apr 1955 onbekend
Religie: Ned. Hervormd
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Deenekamp
First Name: Adriana Bardina
Maiden Name: Hulsink
Date of Birth: 09/12/1902
Date of death: 12/04/1955
Rescuer's fate: survived camp inmate
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Ravensbrück, Camp, Germany, Bergen Belsen, Camp, Germany
Rescue Place: Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/1778)
Pieter (Piet) Deenekamp, an underground activist, was assigned the task of helping Jewish Resistance member Chava Bornstein (later Leesha Rose) escape from her hideaway at the Joodsche Invalide Hospital in Amsterdam and escorting her to a shelter outside the city. Initially, Piet took her to his own home in the city of Utrecht, where she stayed for five days. There, she met many Jewish refugees who were either in transit or were permanent lodgers there. In September 1943, Piet took Chava to the home of Ari Marten and Nel de Koning* in Leiden, South Holland. Piet, a postal clerk, then put Chava in touch with the Leiden Resistance group, thus enabling her to resume her underground activities. Piet gave Chava the courage to pass as a non-Jew using false identity papers, thus helping her overcome a fear she had developed after only narrowly escaping deportation from the Hollandsche Schouwburg. Piet’s wife, Adriana, cooperated with him in all his activities. She personally took care of the fugitives in their home. When the Nazis raided their home and deported all the fugitives discovered there, Adriana was arrested and sent to Ravensbrück and then Bergen-Belsen. Piet and their teenage son, Jan, were not at home at the time and thus avoided arrest. Adriana returned home alive, but a broken woman.
On March 25, 1980, Yad Vashem recognized Pieter Deenekamp and his wife, Adriana Bardina Deenekamp-Hulsink, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Pieter Deenekamp geb. 14 Apr 1903 overl. 23 MRT 1977
Huwelijk: 22 Dec 1927 Utrecht