Jannetje Boers

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Gerrit Boers
Moeder: Willemijntje van Ojik
Geboren: 2 Apr 1910 Stadt Rheine, Duitsland
Overleden: 26 OKT 1998 onbekend
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Dijk van
First Name: Jannetje
Maiden Name: Boers
Date of Birth: 02/04/1910
Date of death: 26/10/1998
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Veenendaal, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Veenendaal, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/775)
Gerrit van Dijk was employed by Frans van Schuppen* at the Ritmeester cigar factory in his native town of Veenendaal, Utrecht. When the Reverend Overduin* asked Ad van Schuppen* to find a safe hideout for Lenie and Mathilde (Tille) Sanders, aged eight and nine, respectively, he turned to Gerrit and Jannetje (originally from Enschede) to shelter the two girls. The van Dijks had very limited financial resources, but the van Schuppens gave them cigars that they could sell or exchange for food and clothing for the girls. Having no children of their own, Gerrit and Jannetje treated the girls as if they were their own daughters. Lenie and Tille stayed with the van Dijks from April 1943 until June 1945. Tille Cohen-Sanders wrote in her testimony to Yad Vashem: “We lived an almost normal family life. Mr. Ad van Schuppen provided us with identity cards and ration cards. Our story was that we had lost our parents during the bombing of The Hague and that Mr. and Mrs. van Dijk were acquaintances of our parents. During the time that we lived with our rescuers, the relationship was excellent.”
On December 11, 1973, Yad Vashem recognized Gerrit van Dijk and his wife, Jannetje van Dijk-Boers, as Righteous Among the Nations.

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Huwelijkspartner: Gerrit van Dijk geb. 7 Nov 1908 overl. 18 MRT 1982
Huwelijk: 14 Juni 1934 Enschede