Hubertina Petronella Johanna Gerits

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Antonius Johannes Gerits
Moeder: Maria Catharina Poulissen
Geboren: 9 Sept 1912 Grubbenvorst
Overleden: 17 MRT 1990
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Dijk van
First Name: Hubertina Petronella Johanna
Maiden Name: Gerits
Alias: TINY
Date of Birth: 09/09/1912
Date of death: 17/03/1990
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Grubbenvorst, Limburg, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Grubbenvorst, Limburg, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding Arranging shelter
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/1985)
When the Germans arrested Jeanne Oolbekkink*, four-year-old Selma Aronowitz (later Mrs. Selma Katz) was transferred from one address to another until she eventually found permanent refuge with Jean and Hubertina (Tiny) van Dijk in Grubbenvorst, Limburg. Jean and Tiny worked for the underground and during the course of the war harbored several Jewish and non-Jewish fugitives in their home. Jean rescued many people by rowing to the German side of the Maas River under cover of darkness. There, he docked near a forced labor camp and helped workers escape to the Netherlands, where he arranged hideouts for them. The Germans were constantly chasing Jean but never caught him. In 1945, Jean joined the American army and participated in the liberation of the concentration camps. After the liberation, Jean traveled many miles by motorbike to inform Selma’s parents, through the Red Cross, that their daughter was alive and well. When her parents arrived in Grubbenvorst, they stayed with the van Dijks for six weeks before returning with their daughter to Amsterdam. Selma remained in close contact with the van Dijks thereafter.
On February 24, 1981, Yad Vashem recognized Jean Hubertus Hermanus van Dijk and his wife, Hubertina Petronella Johanna van Dijk-Gerits, as Righteous Among the Nations.

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Huwelijkspartner: Jean Hubertus Hermanus van Dijk geb. 15 Apr 1909 overl. 17 MRT 1990
Huwelijk: 2 Jan 1937 Grubbenvorst