Clasina den Engelse

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Frans den Engelse
Moeder: Grietje de Ruiter
Geboren: 14 Juni 1907 Heerhugowaard
Religie: Ch. Ger., G.K.
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Cuperus
First Name: Clasine
Maiden Name: Engelse den
Date of Birth: 14/06/1907
Date of death: 18/03/1990
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Den Helder, Noordholland, The Netherlands, Heerhugowaard, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Heerhugowaard, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/4116)
In 1927, Mr. and Mrs. Weinstock emigrated from Krakow to Berlin, where they established a raincoat factory. In 1937, they fled to Amsterdam, where they started up the business again. By May 1943, life in the Netherlands had become so dangerous that Mr. and Mrs. Weinstock asked Sonja Teeboom* to find a hiding place for their 11-year-old daughter, Riwa. Three weeks later they were deported to Bergen-Belsen. Riwa Weinstock adopted the name Ria de Wit and went to live with Alle and Clasina Cupérus. Originally, the Cupéruses lived in Den Helder, North Holland, but a bomb destroyed their home and they had found refuge in nearby Heerhugowaard. The story was spread that Ria had lost her parents during the bombing of Rotterdam, but everybody in the village knew she was Jewish. Alle and Clasina had no children and regarded Ria as their own daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Weinstock survived Bergen-Belsen, but were too weak to travel after the war and did not return to the Netherlands until February 1946. When they finally collected their daughter, Clasina suffered a nervous breakdown.
On May 18, 1989, Yad Vashem recognized Alle Cupérus and his wife, Clasina Cupérus-den Engelse, as Righteous Among the Nations.

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Huwelijkspartner: Alle Cuperus geb. 22 Apr 1906
Huwelijk: 3 Juli 1930 Heerhugowaard