Josefine Elisabeth Bockting

Geslacht: Vrouw
Geboren: 3 Dec 1897 Haffen, gemeente Halden, Duitsland
Overleden: 14 Nov 1986
Beroep: huishoudster
Aantekeningen: Bockting Josefine (1897 - 1986 )
Personal Information
Last Name: Bockting
First Name: Josefine
Date of Birth: 03/12/1897
Date of death: 14/11/1986
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Profession: MAID
Place during the war: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Arnhem, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Arnhem, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/10897)
Date of Recognition: 27/08/2006
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor
Rescued Persons
Schaffit, Ruth, Nanny
Schaffit, Elfriede
Schaffit, Jacob
Rescue Story
Bockting, Josefine Elisabeth Josefine Bockting, the daughter of a simple farmer, born in Germany in 1897, was working as a domestic help and nursemaid for the Jewish Schaffit family in Berlin well before the war. Soon after the onset of the anti-Jewish measures in the thirties, the Schaffits, parents Jakob and Elfriede and daughter Ruth (b. 1918) left Berlin for the Netherlands in 1935, and settled in Arnhem (prov. Gelderland). Initially, Josefine, stayed behind, but then decided to follow the family. When the financial situation of the Schaffits deteriorated as a result of anti-Jewish measures, and they could no longer afford to have household help, Josefine found work in Amsterdam, but stayed in close contact with her earlier employers. After a number of razzias in Arnhem towards the end of 1942, Josefine suggested to the Schaffits that she get an apartment in Arnhem and that the Schaffits go into hiding with her there. And so it was. As a German national, Josefine was assigned an apartment in Arnhem in January 1943, where she was not liked by her new neighbors. As a result, there was hardly any contact between them, which was exactly what was necessary under the circumstances. Providing food for three extra mouths was problematic, but from time to time food stamps were brought by personal connections of the Schaffits, one of whom worked at the local distribution office. In September 1944, with the battle for the bridges by Arnhem (Operation Market Garden), all inhabitants were ordered to evacuate. As father Jakob Schaffit was seriously ill at the time, the family and Josefine stayed in the apartment. In October, Jakob Schaffit passed away and was buried in the garden. At that point the others left, and a few days later the house was hit by a bomb and destroyed. They did locate another home, but with the increasing shortage of food, both mother Elfriede while managing to hide her Jewish identity, and Josefine cleaned the barracks of German soldiers to support themselves. The mother and daughter survived the war and Josefine stayed with them until. Josefine passed away in 1986. On August 27, 2006, Yad Vashem recognized Jozefine Bockting as Righteous among the Nations.
ZITTING 1956-1957 - 4708
Naturalisatie van August Daelman en 17 anderen
Nr. 1
Nr. 2
Artikel 2. Met afwijking van het bepaalde bij artikel 3, tweede en vierde lid, aanhef en onder 3°, van de wet op het Nederlanderschap en het ingezetenschap (Stb. 1892, 268), wordt bij deze de hoedanigheid van Nederlander verleend aan:
1 Josephine Elisabeth Bockting, geboren te Haffen, gemeen-te Halden) (Duitsland) 3 december 1897, huishoudster, wonende te Arnhem, provincie Gelderland;