Cornelia Gerhardina Blaauw

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Gerard Johan Blaauw
Moeder: Henrietta Clasina Heijenberg
Geboren: 7 Nov 1903 Utrecht
Overleden: 3 Jan 1996
Religie: Ned. Hervormd
Beroep: kantoorbediende, kinderjuffrouw
Aantekeningen: Blaauw Cornelia (1903 - 1996 )
Personal Information
Last Name: Blaauw
First Name: Cornelia
Date of Birth: 07/11/1903
Date of death: 03/01/1996
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Haarlem, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Haarlem, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
Arranging shelter
Providing false evidence
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/233)
Date of Recognition: 31/05/1966
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Tree
Ceremony held in Yad Vashem: Yes
Rescued Persons
Visjager, Nico
Surname unknown, Ronald
Rescue Story
Blaauw, Cornelia Gerhardina
When the war broke out Cornelia Blaauw, known as Corrie, was in charge of an infant care center in Haarlem. She was soon approached by an underground worker and asked if she would shelter a Jewish nurse from Amsterdam. Corrie agreed. In 1943 the nurse asked Corrie if her seven-year-old nephew, Ronald, could also come and hide with her and her friend Jacoba van Tricht, with whom she had shared a house. Ronald was also taken in without hesitation. Later she was asked if she would shelter a child soon to be born and Corrie again agreed to do so. At the end of May 1943 Corrie and Jacoba traveled to Amsterdam to pick up four-week-old Nico Visjager. Nico’s parents insisted that they were young and strong and would be able to survive the atrocities if only the baby could be hidden. However, his parents were apprehended and perished in Sobibor. In August 1943, Corrie took a short vacation out of town and put Nico in the care of another day center, where she knew the director personally. Nico’s name was not listed in the center’s files in order to avoid detection should the Germans inspect the center. However, a German raid did actually result in Nico’s being found out and he was due to be deported. Corrie was informed immediately and rushed back in order to present herself as the unmarried mother of the infant, whose father, a German officer, had gone to the eastern front. Corrie claimed that she had not registered the baby because she feared losing her job and that she could prove she had been on sick leave. She insisted that her housemate, a maternity nurse, had assisted with the birth in their home. After an intense effort, the police were eventually brought around to accepting Corrie’s story. Following the incident, Corrie registered the baby in her name, but only after she was rebuked by the civil servant on duty for her inexcusable conduct. After the war, when it became clear that Nico’s parents had not survived, he was officially adopted by Corrie. In September 1943, Corrie also brought a six-week-old infant to the nursery. Like Nico, this child too stayed until the end of the war, when she was returned to her parents.
On May 31, 1966, Yad Vashem recognized Cornelia Gerhardina Blaauw as Righteous Among the Nations.