Gijsbertus Gerardus van Bemmelen

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Cornelis van Bemmelen
Moeder: Maria Catharina Gordijn
Geboren: 21 Aug 1898 Wateringen
Overleden: 20 Juli 1944 Natzweiler, Duitsland, Kdo Markirch
Beroep: agent van politie
Aantekeningen: Van Bemmelen (1898-1944), een sergeant-majoor bij de Dordtse politie en vader van vijf jonge kinderen, sloot zich aan bij het verzet en hielp joden onder te duiken. Als agent mocht hij zich ’s avonds na de avondklok nog op straat begeven. Samen met zijn oudste, 14-jarige zoon verspreidde hij ook voedselbonnen. Op 25 oktober 1943 werd hij gearresteerd, voor zijn hulp aan joden. Op 10 november volgde transport naar het concentratiekamp in Vught; vervolgens, op 25 mei 1944, naar Dachau. Daar, in het Natzweilerkamp, werd Van Bemmelen op 20 juli doodgeknuppeld. Postuum is hem het Verzetskruis toegekend.
Bemmelen van Gijsbertus (1898 - 1944 )
Personal Information
Last Name: Bemmelen van
First Name: Gijsbertus
Date of Birth: 21/08/1898
Date of death: 20/07/1944
Rescuer's fate: camp inmate
Cause of Death: BEATING
Gender: Male
Organization/ Religious order: LO - Landelijke Organisatie
Place during the war: Dordrecht, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Vught, Camp, The Netherlands
Dachau, Camp, Germany
Natzweiler-Struthof, Camp, France
Rescue Place: Dordrecht, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Supplying basic goods
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/6360)
Date of Recognition: 16/01/1996
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor
Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands
Rescue Story
Bemmelen van, Gijsbertus Gerardus Gijsbertus van Bemmelen lived with his wife and five young children in Dordrecht, South Holland, where he was a sergeant major in the local police force. Soon after the occupation of Holland, he became involved in Resistance activities, later joining the LO movement and helping Jews who were in hiding. Van Bemmelen distributed ration cards to families who were hiding Jews and moved their secret guests to new addresses when the hideouts became unsafe. As a police officer he was allowed to be on the streets after curfew time and thus had the advantage of being able to carry out his activities under cover of darkness. His eldest son, then 14 years old, also helped with the supply of food coupons, concealing them in his school bag. On October 25, 1943, the SD arrested Gijsbertus on suspicion of assisting Jews. On November 10, he was transferred to the concentration camp at Vught and then, on May 25, to Dachau. He was beaten to death at Natzweiler concentration camp on July 20. Gijsbertus van Bemmelen was awarded the Dutch Verzetskruis. His name is also engraved on a commemorative wall plaque in the Dordrecht police station. On January 16, 1996, Yad Vashem recognized Gijsbertus Gerardus van Bemmelen as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Maria Margaretha Dorothea Arnolda Engelbregt geb. 1892
Huwelijk: 16 Feb 1922 Dordrecht