Paulus Petrus Bellekom

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Leonardus Bellekom
Moeder: Adriana Johanna Lange
Geboren: 27 Juni 1911 Den Haag doen
Overleden: 27 MEI 1995
Religie: Rooms Katholiek
Beroep: melkhandelaar
Aantekeningen: Bellekom Paulus (1911 - 1995 )
Personal Information
Last Name: Bellekom
First Name: Paulus
Date of Birth: 27/06/1911
Date of death: 27/05/1995
Rescuer's fate: survived
camp inmate
Gender: Male
Profession: SHOP OWNER
Place during the war: The Hague, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Dachau, Camp, Germany
Rescue Place: The Hague, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/1546)
Date of Recognition: 16/01/1979
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Tree
Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands
Ceremony held in Yad Vashem: Yes
Rescued Persons
Jacobson, Jaantje
Jacobson, Eleazar
Jacobson, Elizabeth
Rescue Story
Bellekom, Paulus Petrus & Amalia (Schweiger) Eleazar and Jaantje Jacobson, a Jewish couple from The Hague, lived next door to the Bellekoms, who ran a small grocery store. In October 1942, Paulus and Amalia Bellekom and their two young children took in the Jacobsons and their daughter Elizabeth and the family hid in their attic, giving Amalia a small amount of money for food. In March 1944, a Jew who was married to a Christian woman and knew the Jacobsons betrayed them to the Gestapo along with 27 of their relatives. They were all deported and the Jacobsons died in Auschwitz, while Paulus Bellekom spent a year in Dachau for harboring Jews. He survived and returned to the Netherlands after the liberation. January 16, 1979, Yad Vashem recognized Paulus Bellekom and his wife, Amalia Bellekom-Schweiger, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Amalia Schweiger geb. 22 Apr 1909 overl. 18 MRT 1991
Huwelijk: 1939 Den Haag