Engeltje Geertrui Kool

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Jan Albert Kool
Moeder: Johanna Catharina Beijer
Geboren: 6 MRT 1908 Amsterdam
Overleden: 22 Feb 1979
Aantekeningen: Personal Information
Last Name: Bakker
First Name: Engeltje
Maiden Name: Kool
Date of Birth: 06/03/1908
Date of death: 22/02/1979
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/7874)
Date of Recognition: 30/11/1997
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor
Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands
Rescued Persons
Sajet, Mullem, Betty
Rescue Story
Bakker, Johannes Christiaan & Engeltje Geertruida (Kool)
In May 1943, when the major razzias of that year began in Amsterdam, Nathan and Hanna Mullem (née Coronel) started searching for a hiding place for their one-year-old daughter Betty. Through their former neighbor, who was active in the underground, the Mullems were put in contact with Johannes and Engeltje Bakker, also living in Amsterdam. After making an arrangement with them, Hanna put her daughter in a pram and took her to an arranged meeting point, where the baby was handed over to Engeltje. Johannes and Engeltje lived in a small apartment in the working class district of the northern part of Amsterdam with their four children. Even though the family had very limited financial means and little space, Betty was warmly welcomed into the household and lovingly treated as a fifth child. Since Betty had a dark complexion the Bakkers fabricated the story that the child was the daughter of friends who lived in Indonesia and had been compelled to remain in Holland for a while due to an illness. An uncle of Betty’s, Abraham Coronel, who was also hiding in Amsterdam, occasionally made contact with the Bakkers and brought them food coupons or money to cover expenses. Beyond this nominal contribution the Bakkers refused to accept any financial compensation. The couple believed that they had a duty to assist persecuted people unconditionally. During the course of the war, Johannes and Engeltje temporarily hid several other people in their home. Betty stayed with Johannes and Engeltje until August 1946, when her uncle Coronel got married and she moved in with him. She never lost contact with the Bakkers and maintained a special relationship with Johanna, who had taken especially good care of her.
On November 30, 1997, Yad Vashem recognized Johannes Christiaan Bakker and his wife, Engeltje Geertruida Bakker-Kool, as Righteous Among the Nations

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Johannes Christiaan Bakker geb. 12 Juli 1905 overl. 28 Juni 1980
Huwelijk: 6 Aug 1924 Amsterdam