Sjoeke Kroes

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Klaas Kroes
Moeder: Grietje Kroeze
Geboren: 13 Sept 1890 Emmen
Overleden: 29 Sept 1970
Religie: Ned. Hervormd
Aantekeningen: Personal Information
Last Name: Aardema
First Name: Sjoeke
Maiden Name: Kroes
Date of Birth: 1890
Date of death: 29/09/1970
Rescuer's fate: survived
camp inmate
Gender: Female
Profession: FARMER
Place during the war: Veenoord, Drenthe, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Veenoord, Drenthe, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/5614)
Date of Recognition: 09/02/1993
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor
Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands
Rescued Persons
Wolff, Roosje
Aardema, Sjoeke (Kroes) & Jacob & Meindert
Roosje Wolff was 23 years old when the Aardema family warmly received her on their farm in Veenoord, Drenthe, in the final months of 1943. Sjoeke, a widowed mother of three sons and four daughters, was exceptionally accommodating when her eldest daughter, Bontje Hoogeveen*-Aardema, brought Roosje to the farm. Bontje had been active in the underground for some time by this stage. The gracious atmosphere on the farm, managed by Sjoeke, stood out in great contrast to the homes in which Roosje had previously hidden. Roosje struck up warm and compassionate relationships with Jacob and Meindert, her foster brothers as she lovingly called them. In December 1944, Roosje’s luck ran out. A German search of the farmhouse uncovered her presence and she was deported to Westerbork. Jacob and Meindert were also arrested and spent the closing months of the war in concentration camps, to return home afterwards sick and emaciated. Roosje survived the war, owing her life to the generosity of the Aardema family.
On February 9, 1993, Yad Vashem recognized Sjoeke Aardema-Kroes and two of her sons, Jacob Aardema and Meindert Aardema, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Hette Aardema geb. 29 Jan 1887 overl. 15 Feb 1942
Huwelijk: 12 Aug 1911 Sleen
  Mindert Aardema Female geb. 16 MEI 1921
  Bontje Aardema Female geb. 12 Jan 1912 overl. 26 Apr 1988
  Klaas Aardema Female geb. 17 Aug 1913
  Jacob Aardema Female geb. 16 Juli 1915 overl. 5 Juni 1989
  Grietje Aardema Female geb. 27 Juni 1918