Maria Johanna Matthea de Grood

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Hendrikus Theodorus de Grood
Moeder: Elisabeth Francisca Janssen
Geboren: 17 Sept 1907 Nijmegen
Overleden: 4 Jan 2000
Religie: Rooms Katholiek
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Aalders
First Name: Maria Johanna Matthea
Maiden Name: Grood de
Alias: RIE
Date of Birth: 17/09/1907
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Middenmeer, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Middenmeer, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding Supplying basic goods Arranging shelter
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/7742)
The devout Roman Catholics, Jacobus (Koos) and his wife Maria (Rie) Aalders, who lived in Middenmeer, opened their home to refugees in need of a hiding place. Koos Aalders was the principal of the local elementary school and active in the Resistance. He and his wife lived with their six children, the youngest of whom was born in 1943. Their home served as an underground information center for the area. The Aalderses offered help to, among others, A.R. de Vries-Roeper, who would dye her hair to look less Jewish. They found a hiding place for her seven-year-old son, Bert, with other local families. Bert attended the nearby Catholic school in order to pass as the nephew of his adoptive family. He also served as an altar boy together with the eldest son of the Aalders couple, who was his closest friend. During the war the Aalders family sheltered many Jews for varying periods of time and some remained until a month before the end of the war. Koos would often have to forage for food in the evenings. Two Jewish brothers, Nico and Jaap Pimentel, who were officers in the Dutch army, hid at the Aalderses' home. They did their best to defuse tensions and assigned each of the wards a different task in the ever-expanding household. The Aalderses' children were told not to discuss what happened at home with anyone else.
On October 9, 1997, Yad Vashem recognized Jacobus W.J. Aalders and his wife, Maria J.M. Aalders-de Grood, as Righteous Among the Nations.n October 9, 1997, Yad Vashem recognized Jacobus W.J. Aalders and his wife, Maria J.M. Aalders-de Grood, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Jacobus Wilhelmus Johannes Aalders geb. 1 MRT 1907 overl. 13 OKT 2004
Huwelijk: XXXX onbekend