Bertha Elisabeth van Osselen

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Jan Rudolph van Osselen
Moeder: Johanna Henriette Spakler
Geboren: 19 Apr 1902 Amsterdam
Overleden: 22 Feb 1977 Utrecht
Beroep: verpleegster
Aantekeningen: bestuur J.C. van der Huchtfonds
Bienfait Bertha (1902 - 1977 )
Personal Information
Last Name: Bienfait
First Name: Bertha
Maiden Name: Osselen van
Date of Birth: 19/04/1902
Date of death: 22/02/1977
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Eindhoven, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Eindhoven, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2950)
Date of Recognition: 28/06/1984
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor
Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands
Rescued Persons
Andriesse, Barend
Rescue Story
Bienfait, Henri & Bertha Elisabeth (van Osselen) Mozes and Babeth Andriesse lived with their 11-year-old daughter, Rosa, and four-year-old son, Barend, in Veghel, North Brabant. By April 1943, when it was clear that the family would have to go into hiding in order to escape deportation, their housekeeper, Marie Heerkens*, offered to hide Mozes, Babeth and Rosa. Mrs. Kampenhout, also from Veghel, offered to hide Barend. However, since Veghel was a small town where everybody knew everybody else, this was not considered a safe or practical option. Instead, a Jewish boy from Amsterdam, who was due to have been hidden with the Bienfait family in Eindhoven, went to Mrs. Kampenhout, and Barend was taken to the Bienfaits. Dr. Henri Bienfait held a very prominent position as head of the Physics Laboratory at Philips Electronics in Eindhoven. Henri and his wife, Bertha, had four sons, ranging in age from three to 11. On April 7, 1943, Barend arrived at their home. The newcomer was made to feel welcome and the Bienfait family took care of all his needs. Henri and Bertha told their relatives and neighbors that Barend was a refugee, made homeless during the bombardment of Rotterdam. The Bienfait family refused to accept any compensation for hiding Barend, maintaining that helping a human being was the most normal response for them, under any circumstances. On June 28, 1984, Yad Vashem recognized Henri Bienfait and his wife, Bertha Elisabeth Bienfait-van Osselen, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Henri Bienfait geb. 11 Sept 1900 overl. 7 Jan 1990
Huwelijk: 12 Aug 1930 Amsterdam