Christiaan Leendert van Pesch

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Johannes Geraard van Pesch
Moeder: Anne Gertrude Coertine Nassau Noordewier
Geboren: 7 Aug 1901 Den Haag
Overleden: 16 MRT 1978 Koekange
Aantekeningen: He received his "diploma" from the Van Swieten School of Horticulture in Frederiksoord and was a breeder of tropical fish. He and his family liv ed in Laren until 1939 when he accepted a position at the G.G.D. in Hilversum, where they lived at Taludweg 27. When he retired in 1965 the fami ly moved to Koekange where he died

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Catharina Margaretha Bogtman geb. 1 Apr 1898 overl. 30 Aug 1973
Huwelijk: 1924 onbekend