Hendrik van Garderen

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Abraham van Garderen
Moeder: Eijtje Oudhof
Geboren: 29 Nov 1901 Tienhoven
Overleden: 11 MEI 1971
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Garderen van
First Name: Hendrik
Date of Birth: 29/11/1901
Date of death: 11/05/1970
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Male
Profession: DAIRY FARMER
Place during the war: Ouderkerk Aan de Amstel, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Ouderkerk Aan de Amstel, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/11777)
In the fall of 1942 there was a knock on the door of the home of Hendrik and Jozina van Garderen in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, a town bordering on Amsterdam. A man with hat and suitcase stood in the doorway. As Hendrik was not at home at the time, Jozina did not let a stranger in just like that, and asked him to wait until her husband would return. When Hendrik returned home, the man was let in and asked what he wanted.
The man was Jacob van Kollem, in his mid-fifties, a Jew from Amsterdam, who needed a new hiding address. He had received the name and address of Hendrik and Jozina from a friend, who was Hendrik’s business associate.
Hendrik and Jozina lived with their four grown daughters in a windmill along the Amstel River, and did not have much space for an additional person. However, understanding the urgency of the matter, they gave Jacob van Kollem a room on the top floor. It turned out that Jacob suffered from diabetes and needed insulin on a regular basis. As he himself was unable to buy the medicine, it was mostly Hendrik who had to search for the insulin where ever he could. Jacob had serious trouble staying indoors, and from time to time he walked out at night, which increased the danger of betrayal. The daily risk of hiding him and the insecurity that he would slip out, weighed heavily on the van Garderen family, who took him from time to time to a friendly farmer in the area. However, Jacob would always come back.
In spite of the good care he received with the van Garderens, Jacob’s health deteriorated and on May 23, 1944 he passed away at the van Garderen home. As he could not get a burial anywhere, he was temporarily laid to rest in their garden behind the mill. After the liberation, the van Garderens contacted the Jewish burial society, and Jacob van Kollem was reburied in the Jewish cemetery.
On March 7, 2010, Yad Vashem recognized Hendrik van Garderen and Jozina van Garderen-de Groote as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Jozina de Groote geb. 3 Feb 1905 overl. 16 MEI 1998
  Matje van Garderen Male geb. 18 Apr 1923
  Eijtje Ida van Garderen Male geb. 27 Juli 1926